Monday, September 20, 2004


My interview at Broward EMA was rescheduled for Thursday at 2pm. Today I am going to complete my application for the BSO job and get it notorized. Then tomorrow AM I am going to the DMV to get my addressed changed on my license. I tried to change it twice on-line, but I have still not received anything in the mail (after 2 months). I hate the DMV (mostly just the long lines) and have been avoiding going in at all costs, but I must do what I gotta do.


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about the rescedule of your apointment. :-( But hopefull it will give you more time to get stuff for BSO done :-)

Well, good luck with the DMV... I love the place too :-)


Kim said...

Well, Thank you Matt :-)

It was rescheduled because I was feverish and dizzy and had an ear and throat ache. I slept 11 hours today (er, now it's yesterday)...even though my body is fatigued I want to stay up (it's 1am), but I know I should go to bed...I got lots to do tomorrow!

Kim said...

Oh yeah, and instead of having dreams where I'm a spy for the US Government instead (because I was physically ill) I was having dreams where I was delusional and hallucinating. In my dreams I was so delusional that I could barely talk and couldn't tell whether the words that were coming out of my mouth were the same words I was thinking. It's weird how physical ailments affect the mind!

Anonymous said...

If you need anything give me a call. Sorry you don't feel good.
I am worried about yah...