Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Wow, I'm feeling better

I'm feeling better...much much better. I must have had one of those 48 hours viruses. I am so bad, I am up surfin the net while I should be sleeping. I'm so stubborn like that. I'm like a little child who doesn't want to go to bed. I'm soooo tired, yet I don't want my night to be over! Right now I'm looking up interesting ways to apply eye-shadow. Like that is worth sacrificing sleep over. Ha. Last night I was researching the book of Acts in the Bible (I found out the author, Luke-the physician/historian, wrote 28% of the Bible). It's very interesting reading about the first church and how it came together.The night before that I was looking at "Alias" fan sites. But I kind of spoiled the suspense a little for myself as I have hints of what's going to happen the next 20-30 episodes. I am so addicted to that show, it's not even funny. Tonight I watched "Babylon 5." For those of you not familiar with the show, it's like a soap-opera for Science Fiction geeks. I've seen many episodes of that too. It's entertaining, althought it doesn't compare with Star Trek the Next Generation.

Okay, I really need to head to bed. I'm really struggling to fight falling asleep, and for what reason? Stubbornness...

Oh, today I was testing myself to see if I could still remember Romans 12 which I had memorized a month ago...That will be the next post...

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