Friday, September 10, 2004

I'm tired

Today is Friday. I just got back from running around. Today was my last day at the temp job. It went well. Busy as usual. I'm so exhausted from my car troubles. I've had to spend $700 to fix it. And they are saying my breaks aren't working properly, which doesn't makes sense since I got my breaks totally replaced 2 years ago. I also went to the temp agency to take some more tests about a possible interview next week scheduling appointments for a construction company for $13-$14/hour. So, hopefully...

My Mom's in town. She's been running around with me. We are both pooped.

Still waiting on Hurricane Ivan. Here it comes...
Maybe it won't hit Florida, who knows...but it's another thing that is making me anxious.

I am anxious, and I am tired. I guess it's because EVERYTHING is up in the air. Ugh.

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