Friday, September 24, 2004

Revelation: God is in Control

God is so much bigger than me and He has a perfect plan for my life. My frustrations come from trying to do my own thing, my own way. His way is always better. In allowing Him to rule in my heart I have given Him free reign to change me continually more and more into His image. Every time He changes something huge in me, that I never thought could ever change, He does something else. He works in my heart and in my life to do something incredible inside of me. The process of this (which I suppose could be called "growth") is uncomfortable. Just as Christ died on a cross I am commanded to die daily. To give up the things that I cling to and cling to Him. My dying and letting Him live in me allows me to allow Him to conform me to His image and glorify Him. In my natural state I do not glorify God, I am concerned with myself and all the unimportant things in this world. My focus should not be on this world, but on heaven. As life does not end when I die, but it will continue on. If my sight remains on heaven then I will be able to impact this world for eternity. The things I will do will not die when I die. Even if I am forgotten about when I die, I will sow eternal seeds that will continue to matter.

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