Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Better Now

I am feeling much better after going for a walk and going to church. I was able to gain a new perspective on things. I forgot to mention that I received my new Florida ID in the mail with my correct address. They changed the Florida licenses so that they now look like most other states' ID. It looks so different, much uglier. People are going to think my ID is fake, I swear. The picture in the ID was taken when I was 18, without glasses, and much thinner (15 lbs or so). Well, that's the news for now. I'm getting tired, so I'm going to bed.


Princess Blogonoke said...

I hope all is well. Just hoppin' by.

Kim said...

Thanks Princess!

All is going...not as well as I had hoped...but nonetheless...better.

I checked out your website. I love the PowerPuff girls! Especially Buttercup.