Saturday, August 21, 2010


So here's an update on my life. Matt's unemployed, however he has some promising web developer contract gigs coming up (possibly). We are both actively looking for work. We are on day 3 of the Atkin's diet. Matt's lost 8 1/2 lbs (holy cow!) and I've lost about 2. So far, it seems to be working. We're going to try it for 2 weeks and then go for there. I've really felt like I'm in hell without all the sugar and carbs until today when it wasn't as big as a deal. But we've been realizing how much sugar/carbs the kids eat and we're going to try to figure out how to change that so they grow up knowing how to eat healthy and aren't faced with the same problems we have today (obesity, emotional eating, sugar crashes, etc). So far this has done fantastic things for our marriage since we are working as a team. It has created A LOT more dishes as we cook at every meal. I'm trying to keep up, but it's hard with the kids.

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