Saturday, January 15, 2005

The last month

Hello everybody. Sorry it has been so long since my last blog. I have been busy working and traveling. I had a wonderful time in New Hampshire visiting my mom Glynis, step-dad Bob, and brother Brian. Brian and I went snowboarding. I am quite impressed with his snowboarding abilities! Snowboarding is soooo hard, and I am not in the shape to do it. Maybe when I was in high school. I don't think there was anyone on the slopes snowboarding over the age of 25. I think I will go back to skiing, it's still physically difficult, but not so much so. Anyway, Christmas was for the most part nice and relaxing. God really blessed me financially so I was able to give gifts this year. After Christmas I watched about the news about the Tsunami. I cried all morning for the victims, and days after. I've been praying alot for the millions of people who were affected by this horrible event. And we thought we had it bad in Florida with the hurricanes...

Right now I am visiting my friend Heather in Orlando. Her son Avery is turning 2 today. Such a big boy! Also, in a week and a half, Mandy's son Matthew is turning 1. So I am visiting her as well on this trip to Inverness (near the west coast of Florida).

That's it for now. I'll update more later. I don't get online much, as my computer is no longer hooked up. God bless. Til later...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Kim! You should update.