Saturday, December 4, 2004

My Worst Fears: What are Yours?


10 most common nightmares

10. Giving birth to alien baby/having miscarriage/being bad mother
9. Family members disowning me
8. Being tortured and killed because of my faith
7. End of the world (hurricane/storm)
6. Witnessing people being killed &tortured
5. Driving under the influence/not being able to control vehicle while driving
4. Trapped in a haunted maze
3. Animals possessed by demons
2. Haunted rooms in a mansion
1. People playing mind games with me and then laughing at me

12 Fears/Phobias (Couldn’t narrow it down to 10):

12. Not having access to air in small spaces if I don’t know how long it’ll be until I can get out (elevators, planes, cars)
11. Being blamed for something I didn’t do
10. Being betrayed and/or rejected
9. Getting lost
8. Insects/creatures crawling or jumping on me
7. Speaking in front of a group
6. That I will fail
5. Becoming ugly as I age
4. No one believing me/people thinking I’m crazy
3. Not being noticed/forgotten about
2. Being exposed for who I really am
1. Losing control of my actions/thoughts/body


SJ said...

My irrational phobia: cotton balls (*shiver*)...

Kim said...

Ha ha. Cotton balls, eh? Actually, I know a lot of people who can't stand touching them.

someone who cares said...

Fathers are someone you can always look up to, no matter how big you get