Tuesday, November 2, 2004

Election Day

Hey...did you get out and vote? I HOPE SO! Es muy importante! Boy am I tired. I worked today 430am to 530pm. Phew. I work in the Broward Emergency Operations Center. The Supervisor of Elections for the county used our building as a call center/communication for precincts to relay their voting statuses. There were hundreds of people in the building. I was in charge of making sure everyone had food (bagels, cream cheese, juice, etc.) My wrists hurt from slicing bages all day. But hey, I love my new job! So far I have 10 hours overtime for the week. Yay.I've been working there for a week now (thus why I haven't blogged recently). It's honestly the best job I've ever had, and I'm very happy there. Such a relief to be employed. I'll write back later when I'm not as tired (that may be a few days, or weeks, I'm warnin' ya).


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