Tuesday, August 31, 2004

It looks like a hurricane is headed this way...or somewhere near here. Why do I always get so excited when there is a possiblity of real danger? I should pray for God to supernaturally dispell the hurricane in the middle of the ocean so that no one gets hurt. But secretly I await the storm in anticipation. I'm sure people who have been through major storms and hurricanes have experienced horrendous losses and have felt the after-effects of cleaning up their homes, businesses,and their lives. People's lives are turned around through disasters. They draw closer to God and help their fellow man. Maybe disasters are necessary for this.

I am still in search for employment. It has been a long frustrating wait. Never would I have thought I would have to try this hard or wait this long. I have faith that God has a job for me and that He is preparing it for me...and I think it is going to have something to do with disaster, or emergency, or crisis. This is where my interests and my heart have called me to lately. Now it's just a matter of waiting and walking through doors that God has opened and ignoring the doors that God has shut (and trying not to pry them open).

Other news: I am on Weight Watchers diet. I gained 8 unwanted pounds while working at the shelter in the Orlando, and then 8 unwanted pounds moving down to Fort Lauderdale. I have currently lost almost 5 lbs (have been on the diet for less than 2 weeks, so that's good). I'd like to fit into my old clothes again...that's my goal...and to look good, of course.

Hmm...I was thinking about people who think they are "spiritually elite," and this makes me sad. Anyone who wants to come to God and is searching for Him will find Him. God considers the humble, but the proud He chastises. I've realized lately that I'm dealing with pride myself, and seeing a lot of it from other people. Hmm...

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